Monday, September 30, 2019

Importance of Education Essay

Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education. Education is commonly referred to as the process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. However, the process of education does not only start when a child first attends school. Education begins at home. One does not only acquire knowledge from a teacher; one can learn and receive knowledge from a parent, family member and even an acquaintance. In almost all societies, attending school and receiving an education is extremely vital and necessary if one wants to achieve success. However, unfortunately we have places in the world, where not everyone has an opportunity to receive this formal type of education. The opportunities that are offered are greatly limited. Sometimes there are not enough resources to provide schooling. Furthermore because parents need their children to help them work in factories, have odd jobs, or just do farm work. Since it is not traditional, in some places, to receive a formal education, the one who receives an education is usually envied, praised and even admired by members of the community. Children sometimes look at other children with awe. Just the same way as one child might envy another because he got a new pair of sneakers, and wishes he could have too. There is a sense of admiration but at the same time there is a sense of jealousy as well. Seeing your peer doing better than yourself causes some tension and jealousy because of the scarce opportunities available. As a child, it’s hard to understand why there is a difference. Learning subjects in school is not enough. One can learn history, math, science in school, and be â€Å"book-smart†. In addition, one can learn how to live life by knowing what to say when, acting a certain way in certain situations and be â€Å"street-smart†. These two types of knowledge are extremely essential to be successful in life. For example, you can have all the â€Å"book† knowledge in the world about a certain profession, but if you don’t know how to behave with your co-workers and or your superiors, having â€Å"book†Ã‚  knowledge won’t get you too far. But no matter what, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life. Education is very important, and no one should be deprived of it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Macbeth English CW Essay

Malcolm calls Macbeth and Lady Macbeth ‘this dead butcher and his fiend like queen,’ (Act 5, Scene 9, Line 36). Do you think that Lady Macbeth has any redeeming qualities? In this essay I will try to show that Lady Macbeth, although she is evil, does have some redeeming qualities. I think that Lady Macbeth does have redeeming qualities and that she shows these at different points throughout the play. I think that we can see Lady Macbeth as a different person because we see what happens at points when Malcolm doesn’t. We know that Lady Macbeth was not responsible for the killing of Banquo and The thane of Fife’s wife and children. However, there is ambiguity over the question of whether Lady Macbeth is a witch or not. In these times a witch could have been identified by her ability to predict the future, fly, sail in sieves, bring on night in daytime and their ‘damned spot’. This is a supposed red mark on a witch’s body from where the devil has supposedly sucked blood. In act 1, scene 5 she says: ‘Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull Of direst cruelty’ This suggests that she wants evil spirits to take over to allow her to do what needs to happen. This makes us think that she may be a witch. In Elizabethan times people were quite scared of witches and King James, the king at the time, was especially fascinated by witches. In act 1, scene 5 Lady Macbeth seems very pleased to receive Macbeth’s letter but we see her say that she doesn’t think that Macbeth will be brave enough to murder Duncan for the crown. We also see that she is ambitious and ruthless when she says: ‘And chastise with the valour of my tongue All that impedes thee from the golden round,’ But she appears to be ambitious for her husband and not for herself. I think that this is a redeeming quality as she just wants to help her husband, as she doesn’t think he will go through with it because he is not tough enough. This seems fiend like as to suggest to kill a king is awful, made even worse by the fact that he will be sleeping and unarmed. A soldier would only consider killing and armed man, in battle morally right but to kill a guest is morally wrong. This is also regicide, and Shakespeare was taking a big risk putting such a controversial thing into one of his plays. I think that Lady Macbeth might horrify the audience with her language here especially when she says: ‘Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem To have thee crowned withal.’ I think that the audience would have been particularly shocked with the words ‘metaphysical aid’ as these are supernatural forces. I think that the audience would have been shocked further when Lady Macbeth says: ‘Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull Of direst cruelty’ Here Lady Macbeth calls to the evil spirits and asks them to full her with cruelty. This would have suggested that she either was a witch or wanted to become a witch. For the audience at this time this would have been horrifying. The words that Shakespeare uses suggest that Lady Macbeth’s head is full of thoughts of becoming queen, especially when she says, ‘crown’. Also the alliteration in the phrase, ‘to the toe topfull’, stresses the ‘t’ sounds and stresses the syllables of ‘topfull’. Then Shakespeare uses soft ‘s’ sounds, which sound like hissing, suggest Lady Macbeth’s association with evil. The association with evil comes from the story of Adam and Eve. In the Bible Adam and Eve are tempted by a snake to take an apple from the tree. This snake was in fact the devil and this therefore associates a snake (or hissing sounds) with the devil and evil. I don’t think that Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s relationship is conventional for the time as she seems to have a more male role. She seems stronger than Macbeth and in a way seems to have a power over him. She hasn’t even spoken to him yet and she has already decided what the plan of action is going to be in order for him to become king. In Act 1, Scene 6, we see Lady Macbeth welcoming Duncan to her house. In this scene she plays the role of the hostess and seems to be extremely evil in this scene. We have just seen her telling Macbeth about the plan to kill Duncan and now she is being really nice to Duncan. This will cause the audience to dislike her as we can see that she is obviously not a very nice person. This shows her as being really two faced and insincere towards Duncan. She is being, as she tells Macbeth to be later on, the innocent flower but the serpent underneath. In Act 1, Scene 7, we see Macbeth talking to himself and saying that he has no motives or good reasons to kill Duncan. But then Lady Macbeth comes in and uses blackmail and she taunts him to get him to go through with this, and to get her own way. ‘When you durst do it, then you were a man. And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man.’ This suggest that Lady Macbeth thinks that Macbeth is a coward and therefore not a man. This is fiend like as she is blackmailing Macbeth into doing it. She is telling him he is not a man, and to be unmanned was a bad thing in Elizabethan times. Lady Macbeth, therefore, looks like she is very responsible for Duncan’s death as it wouldn’t have even happened if Lady Macbeth hadn’t persuaded Macbeth to do it. In this scene Macbeth appears to be weak and not the dominant person in this relationship. Also she doesn’t appear to show any recognition that what she is doing is so wrong. I think that Lady Macbeth would shock the audience when she says that she would rather kill her own child than break such a promise as this one. ‘†¦I have given suck and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This also shoes Lady Macbeth’s fiend like qualities. This statement would have shocked the audience greatly. She says that she would kill her own baby while it was smiling at her while she was breast feeding it if she had sworn to do so. This is a shocking statement and I think it would have shocked anyone. This truly shows how evil she is. This statement also raises another point of ambiguity. Lady Macbeth says, ‘I have given suck†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This suggests that she has had a baby but there appears to be no child now. This raises the question of where the child is or if it is even alive. In Act 2, Scene 2 Lady Macbeth appears to have a few redeeming qualities. The fact that she has had to have a drink because she isn’t feeling brave is a redeeming quality. Also the fact that her thought are flicking around shows her tension and suggests that she is not as impenetrably ruthless as she seems. ‘†¦He is about it. The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms Do mock their charge with snores.’ This is another redeeming quality as it may shows her feeling guilty. Also when she says: ‘†¦Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t.’ This shows that she does have compassion as she couldn’t kill someone who looked like her father. Also in this scene when Macbeth comes back from killing Duncan, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a frantic, disjointed conversation while Macbeth is holding the daggers. This conversation last for thirty seven lines and it is only on the last line that Lady Macbeth realises that Macbeth is still holding the daggers. This shows how panic stricken they are and how neither is thinking clearly. This is a redeeming quality as this suggests that Lady Macbeth feels guilty and worried. In Act 2, Scene 3, Lady Macbeth faints when she hears that Duncan has been murdered. This is ambiguous as we don’t know if she is actually fainting or whether she is trying to cover up the situation. However this point is ambiguous as there are a number of reasons for why she might have fainted. She could be surprised (or even dismayed) that Macbeth is acting on his own or she might be shocked at Macbeth’s rashness when he kills the guards. Another point is that she might genuinely be upset at Macbeth’s gory description, as she said that Duncan reminded her of her father. The story which is probably more likely is that she is trying to draw attention away from the fact that Macbeth killed the guards to stop him from looking so guilty. This shows how evil she is. She doesn’t want people to focus on it too much and she also doesn’t want to be blamed. In Act 3, Scene 2, we see that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have drifted apart ad become more distant. Macbeth has become more independent as well. We see this when we see that Macbeth has made plans to kill Banquo, but Lady Macbeth is not involved. This is a redeeming quality as we see that Lady Macbeth has nothing to do with this murder, only they murder of Duncan which was to help her husband anyway. She seems to be affected by this as she asks him what will happen, ‘What’s to be done?’, but Macbeth won’t tell her. In Act 3, Scene 4, we see the banquet held by Macbeth. Lady Macbeth seems to be different at the start of this scene as Macbeth says, ‘our hostess keeps her state’. These suggest that Lady Macbeth is sitting quietly, away from everyone else. This shows that she is not acting like the conventional hostess. This also ambiguous and suggests that Lady Macbeth may have begun to lose her mind already or she may be feeling isolated as she and Macbeth have drift apart. This could also shows that she is feeling guilty which is a redeeming quality. However, as soon as Macbeth leaves the feast Lady Macbeth goes after him to remind him that he mustn’t leave and that he needs to go and be the host. When Macbeth starts to see Banquo and behave weirdly, Lady Macbeth covers up for him but tells him to stop being stupid and entertain the guests. ‘You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting With most admired disorder.’ Here she is scorning Macbeth for ruining the banquet and drawing attention to himself. Lady Macbeth does not seem to feel guilty in this scene but she does seem afraid. I don’t think that she shows signs of feeling in this scene as she still blackmails and taunts Macbeth to get him to sit down and act as though everything is normal. Act 5, Scene 1 is the last scene that we see with Lady Macbeth in it. I think that Shakespeare uses the sleepwalking in this scene so that all can be revealed by Lady Macbeth to another character. I think that in this scene we begin to feel sorry for Lady Macbeth and I think that she has some redeeming qualities in this scene. One is that she acknowledges that she has done something wrong. ‘What will these hands ne’er be clean?’ This shows that she thinks she has blood on her hands and she wants then to be clean. She obviously feels guilty as she is having nightmares about it all. Also in this scene Lady Macbeth begins to speak in prose. Shakespeare always makes his main characters speak in verse but Lady Macbeth no longer speaks in verse. This shows that she is mad and is no longer important to the play. Also I think another redeeming quality is that she seems to feel responsible for all the deaths throughout the play, even tough she was only really responsible for one of the deaths, Duncan’s. I think that in this scene we begin to feel sorry for Lady Macbeth and like her a bit more. This scene shows that she does have redeeming qualities and that she isn’t completely evil. I don’t think that lady Macbeth is a ‘fiend like queen’. I think she is evil but has many redeeming qualities which make her seem a lot better as you go through the play. I also think that the fact that we see more of Lady Macbeth than Malcolm does mean we have the opportunity to see these redeeming qualities whereas Malcolm might not. I think that the moral of this play is don’t kill the king. It is not honourable or good and it will come back to haunt you.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hostage Taking and Live Television Coverage Essay

Hostage Taking and Live Television Coverage - Essay Example Actions for a scene Commander According to Thompson (2006), the scene commander is charged with the overall operations devised to rescue victims who have been held hostage by criminals. One of the key roles of the scene commander is to secure the perimeter of the hostage scene as well as minimize any potential deaths or injuries. Though constitutionally the media enjoys the right to cover any public event including hostage taking incidents, the scene commander can either issue access to the crime scene or prohibit the media from accessing the crime scene depending on the nature of the crime taking place (Hammer, 2007). According to the Centre of Excellence Defense against Terrorism (2007), the scene commander should define or regulate the distance that the media team is allowed within the vicinity of the crime or hotspot. Additionally, the scene commander should regulate the press statements being broadcast by the media houses and the actual filming of the event on live broadcast thi s is to ensure that media coverage do not jeopardize the efforts of the law enforcement officers. Lastly, the scene commander is also required to control the interaction between the media and the criminals at the scene. According to Fourie (2001), the main objective for the scene commander is to devise possible measures to facilitate the safe rescuing of the victims using the efforts of the rescue teams as well as the tactical team. However, Noesner (2010) suggests that there is a need for the senior commander to monitor the media personnel to avoid commotions such as extreme approach to the area of crime that may agitate or raise suspicion among the robbers, which could result to endangering the lives of the hostages. Furthermore, all media statements should pass through the scene commander for moderation and filtering of any information that may leak relevant intelligence to the robbers concerning the ongoing rescue operation. Live media coverage of hostage taking incident Hammer (2007) observed that live television coverage of a hostage scene is essential in planning rescue mission but also presents an equal amount of risks to the law enforcers. The media constitutionally enjoys press freedom, which dictates that it is free from any force of manipulation in order to broadcast autonomously and therefore, this privilege prohibits even the law enforcement agency from forcefully terminating the live television coverage. In addition, shutting off the live television coverage may raise suspicion among the robbers and jeopardise any form of rapport that may have been already developed by the negotiation team. In his book, McKenna (2000) alternatively stated that there exist other means of regulating the entire live media coverage. McKenna (2000) pointed out that the scene commander might seek consensus with the media houses to delay the live coverage of the scene from five to ten minutes rather than asking them to stop broadcasting; this will offer the scene comma nder an opportunity to edit or regulate the content that will be aired on live television.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Accouting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management Accouting - Essay Example (Accounting Tools) If a company produces 2 different products namely Pi and Chi, the Company has cost of overheads which is 500. The company can allocate the costs on the basis of material cost of each product. If material cost of each of Pi and Chi is 200 and 300 respectively then the allocation will be as follows: In this method the indirect and overhead costs are apportioned by allocating proportionate costs to the products. The indirect costs can be apportioned by proportionate allocation on the number of units etc. If a company produces two products, Pi and Chi. The Company may apportion the overheads on a proportionate basis, by apportioning the cost on basis on ratio of 2:3. If the total budgeted cost is  £10,000. This method allocates the overhead costs to the manufacturing cost of products. The rates of absorption are used as benchmarks by the company and can be labor hour, machine hour or any other rate which suits the company’s overhead absorption. If the company is produces a product which requires labor for the production, then the company may apply labor hours of direct labor cost for the basis of absorption of the overheads to the cost of the product. If a company absorbs the overhead cost at a rate of  £10 per machine hour and the produces two products i.e. Pi and Chi and the products require 200 and 300 machine hours respectively then the company may absorb the overheads as follows. The traditional approaches to costing of the overheads has not been beneficial to the companies as these approaches are unable to provide the accurate allocation of the manufacturing and overhead costs to the products as per their actual share. Activity-based costing (ABC) is a modern and more established costing model which is used to allocate the costs that are attributable to the activities according to the usage of respective resources in accordance

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human Physiology and Anatomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Human Physiology and Anatomy - Essay Example As the paper declares excretion of waste products from the body is the most important function of the kidney within the body. Urea is the main product that gets excreted in the process. Also, the kidney has the responsibility to regulate water in the body as well as balance the acid base and electrolytes levels within the body. These are some of the common functions that kidney has been known to perform since years. However in the recent years, studies have obtained that kidney has an endocrinal responsibility as well. This is so because the kidney helps in secretion of a variety of materials like renin and erythropoietin into the stream of blood, leading to several effects external to the kidney as well. From this study it is clear that the role of the kidneys involves processing blood such that waste products and excess water can be removed from the body. This function takes place everyday within the body of human beings. The waste materials are eliminated in the form of urine as a result of this process. The significance of this function of the kidneys lies in the fact that if the kidneys did not allow the elimination of the waste products, then these products would accumulate in the blood leading to damage to the human body as a whole. In terms of function, renal function and kidney function are the same. A person having both kidneys active enables the functions of the kidney effective. Several nephrons are present in each kidney that allows intertwining of small blood vessels and tubes that collect the urine.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

FUNDAMENTALS OF E-BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

FUNDAMENTALS OF E-BUSINESS - Essay Example The present study would analyse the website of Sina which is a news and media company that provides news and other related content on its website. The study would evaluate the brand with regards to the design structure and content as well as analysis of the branding strategy of the organization using the online channel. Apart from this aspects of social networking and mass customisation would also be included in the study. The study would analyse the website of the organization on the basis of all the above mentioned elements. This would also include analysis of the demerits as well as possible corrective measures or strategies. The study would end with a section that summarises the findings of the study and also puts forth set of plausible recommendations that would enable the firm to ensure sustainable competitive advantage in the market. Introduction The business environment prevailing in this world resembles a highly competitive market environment where business organizations are engaged in cut throat competition. Globalisation has also led to business organizations breaching geographical and political boundaries to reach out to new markets to leverage the potential of the opportunities of different markets. This has also enhanced the aspect of competition in the business markets as firms are essentially resorting to price war that has further intensified competition as the profit margins of the companies have been squeezed. In order to differentiate the products and services firms are essentially adopting different means to reach out to customers in an attempt to increase awareness and improve the brand image and positioning of their products and services among the minds of the target market audience. The advancement in internet technology has opened yet another channel for business organizations to showcase their products and services to a wide and large number of target market audiences. The immense reach and potential of this channel has made its one of the powerful channels for business organizations to showcase their products. The growing popularity of online social networking sites has also opened up greater opportunities for this channel. The present study would analyse the online communication channel of Sina which is a leading media house based in China. The study would evaluate the aspect of web design as well as it underlying concepts as well as branding, mass customisation and the aspect of social networking that affects the brand image of the organization. The study would also have a set of plausible recommendations for the organization that would enable it to maintain a roadmap of positive growth and sustainability in the business markets. Website Structure Design and Concepts In order to effectively leverage the opportunities of the online channel it is highly essential to have a website that has a good design and attractiveness so as to make an appeal among the members of the target audience. It is also essential to i nclude a suitable content for readers and visitors so as to create awareness of the website in the minds of the customers. Sina is a media company that larges uses the online channel for its business. The main areas of business include news and related contents, mobile service, online and community gaming as well as online shopping portal. The revenues of the firm mainly arise from advertising

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial Planning and the Unsystematic Risk Statistics Assignment

Financial Planning and the Unsystematic Risk Statistics - Assignment Example Therefore, during winter, people will prefer buying winter tyres and when summer sets in, the demand for dry weather tyres will be high. i. The best asset for Gemma to choose is Rolls-Royce since it has the highest monthly real return coefficients. This implies that they will guarantee a high interest as opposed to those with low return percentage. The objective of making an analysis of a company’s fundamentals is to find the intrinsic value of the stock as opposed to the value with which the stock trades at in the market. Therefore, in carrying out an analysis, if the intrinsic value happens to be more than the current share price, then it shows that the stock is worth much value than its price and it makes sense in buying a stock. However, if this is not the case, then using the stock-analysis strategy like in the case of Gemma is not useful. In addition, the stock-pricing strategy offers a lot of information in an intangible and unmeasurable manner. It is easy to find some aspects of the company that are quantifiable. Such aspects include profits and they are quite easy to find. However, it is quite difficult to measure the qualitative factors such as the competitive advantages of a company, company staff and the reputation of the company. Therefore, the aspects make the picking stocks a subjective and intuitive process thus not suitable in such a case. In addition, the human element evident in the forces moving the stock market, the stocks cannot do whatever one anticipates that they will do since there is a likelihood of having a change in emotions quite unpredictably. Therefore, when confidence turns into some fear, the stock market can be a bit risky and dangerous. Therefore, this also contributes to the decision by Gemma not to use the stock-pricing strategy. i. In order to protect their portfolio of shares, Mark Brisley and Evie Petrikkou used the call and put options. The put option allowed them to sell assets at a given agreed on price while the call shows the right to buy shares at an agreed price.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Contract Modification Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contract Modification - Case Study Example The defendant promised to pay an additional sum of money for each flats timely construction fearing he would face liquated damages for delay under the original contract. After finishing about eight more completed flats, the plaintiff refused to work any more and also refused to return the remaining 460, which was the amount owing from the subsequent promise or the eight completed flats. The defendant tried to argue that following Stilk v Myrick3, they were not liable to the plaintiff because the subsequent promise was not legally enforceable due to the fact that no consideration had been paid for it .The plaintiff had offered no consideration because, in exchange, the plaintiff was only offering to do what he was already bound to do.4 The Court held that there was indeed a benefit for the defendant in that he would avoid the penalty liquidated damages and have the convenience of continuing with the same carpenter At the time this case was decided, it was widely expected that that this new notion of a "practical benefit analysis" would be applied to future cases concerning part payment of debts. 5If thoroughly applied the previous cases of Foakes v Beer and Pinnel's case would be rendered as not good precedent.6 Therefore, where the creditor accepts less than the full amount owed to him and promises to waive the rest of the money it would not be difficult for him to prove that there have been any practical benefits received. 7Lord Blackburn who gave the dissenting judgement in Foakes v Beer acknowledged this, as follows:8 "All men of business ... do everyday recognise and act on the ground that prompt payment of a part of their demand may be more beneficial to them than it would be to insist on their rights and enforce payment of the whole. Even where the debtor is perfectly solvent, and sure to pay at last, this is often so. Where the credit of the debtor is doubtful it must be more so."9 The case of Re Selectmove Ltd.10 involved an appeal by a company from an order arising from the request of the IRC to recover a large amount of taxes and to wind up the defaulting company. The company pleaded that the IRC had promised through an agreement that they could pay the arrears in a monthly scheme and pay the new taxes promptly. The court held in line with Williams v Roffey brothers that this arrangement amounted to a practical benefit to the IRC. However the case was decided in the favour of IRC and Peter Gibson L J made it very clear that if the Court of Appeal were to accept the practical benefits analysis, "It would in effect leave the principle in Foakes v Beer without any application". He also said that the creditor will almost always look at the practical benefits of any bargain but they cannot be classified as new consideration and this has been the view in Foakes v Beer. This view of the Court of Appeal has been subjected to much criticism. 11It is often said that it overlooked the incompatibility between the decisions of the Williams v Roffey and Foakes v Beer and that it is not possible to restrict this case merely to a restriction or expansion of the practical benefits doctrine but a clear line needed to be drawn between a promise to pay additional sums of money under the Williams v Roffey Case and a promise to accept a lesser amount of money in lieu of the full payment under the rule in Foakes v

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sexual Harassment in the workplace Research Paper

Sexual Harassment in the workplace - Research Paper Example The key terminologies essential when tackling such a topic include; Sexism-This can be described as an attitude based perception about a person of different sex. For instance, a man thinking that a woman is weak and emotional or a woman thinking that a man is a chauvinist. Sex discrimination-This is manifested in the scenario where an employee tend to be treated differently at the work place because of their sex. Quid Pro Quo-This when decision on employing somebody are based on whether they agree to accept fulfilling sexual demands or not. Sexual harassment in the workstation can have severe influences for both the workers who have experienced it secondhand and the harassed person. The impact of sexual harassment to an employee can be numerous and disastrous. Areas, which have drawn interest of researches in the recent past, are whether sexual harassment is on the rise at work places or other new ways of harassment have emerged. This is based on the fact that, the surges in technolo gy use and harassment from same sex persons have been reported in the recent past. It is of equal importance to note that sexual harassment is not limited to a singular profession but the vice cuts across all career stations (Boland 34-35). Recent statistics by EEOP (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) divulge more information about the complaints. It has been noted that most of the sexual harassment occurrences largely go unreported. However, according to EEOC, one fact observation that was evident is the increase of cases reported in the last decade. This brings in a paradox since more stringent regulations have been put in place to inhibit occurrences of sexual harassment at work. In the last decade, over 20,000 accounts have been filed. Under the cases filed, majority of cases reported were from the female sex (Gai, 2009). In the year 2008, Louis Harris and Associates conducted a telephone poll on 782 workers of the United States. It came up with the statistics that 31 perc ent among female workers admitted to having reported sexual harassment at work. Only 7 percent of their male counterparts reported the same. A significant percentage of 62 percent of those targeted did not take any action. Out of the respondents, 100 percent female reported that the person harassing them was a man while 59 percent of men reported that their harasser was a woman. Subsequently, 41 percent of the male reported that their harasser was a fellow man. Additional statistics records that 43 percent of women who reported experienced harassment from the supervisor, 27 percent from senior employees, 19 percent workers of same level while 8 percent had faced harassment from junior employees (Boland 53). Combating sex harassment at work is a big challenge. This is necessitated by the fact that establishing its causes can be complex. These causes can be social, psychological or political. Owing to the fact that some work relationships such as acting in most cases turn out to be in timate and intense, establishing sexual harassment in such scenarios can be very complex. The other aspect is that in most instances, employees are required to depend on one another in order to maximize productivity. How this should go has no clear guidelines. Making the situation trickier is that some positions at work such as that of the supervisor involves working closely with your team for results to be achieved. However, being accustomed to these close working relations may create

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Contemporaneity Rule Essay Example for Free

Contemporaneity Rule Essay It is a principle of English law that the actus reus and mens rea must coincide. That is they must happen at the same time. This is sometimes referred to as the contemporaneity rule or the coincidence of actus reus and mens rea. However, the courts often apply a flexible approach in holding that the actus reus is a continuing act. Thabo-Meli v R [1954] 1 WLR 228 Privy Council The four appellants were convicted of murder. They had planned to kill a man and then make it look like an accident. They took him to a hut and beat him over the head. Believing that he was dead, they then took his body to a cliff and threw it off. Medical evidence showed that the deceased died from exposure of being left at the bottom of the cliff and not from the blow to the head. They appealed against their convictions on the grounds that the actus reus and mens rea of the crime did not coincide. That is to say when they formed the intention to kill, there was no actus reus as the man was still alive. When they threw him off the cliff, there was no mens rea as they can intend to kill someone they believed was already dead. Held:Convictions upheld. The act of beating him and throwing him off the cliff was one continuing act. Lord Reid: It appears to their Lordships impossible to divide up what was really one transaction in this way. There is no doubt that the accused set out to do all these acts in order to achieve their plan and as parts of their plan; and it is much too refined a ground of judgment to say that, because they were under a misapprehension at one stage and thought that their guilty purpose and been achieved before in fact it was achieved, therefore they are to escape the penalties of the law. Fagan v MPC [1969] 1 QB 439 A policeman was directing the defendant to park his car. The defendant accidentally drove onto the policemans foot. The policeman shouted at him to get off. The defendant refused to move. The defendant argued at the time of the actus reus, the driving onto the foot, he lacked the mens rea of any offence since it was purely accidental. When he formed the mens rea, he lacked the actus reus as he did nothing. Held:The driving on to the foot and remaining there was part of a continuing act. R v Hale [1978] 68 Cr App R 415 The two defendants broke into a womans home. One went upstairs and took some jewellery from her bedroom. After taking the jewellery the two of them tied her up. They were convicted of robbery and appealed on the grounds that the force came after they had appropriate the jewellery and thus did not come within the requirement of being immediately before or at the time of stealing. Held:Convictions upheld. The appropriation of the jewellery was a continuing act. Eveleigh LJ: To say the conduct is over and done with as soon as he laid hands on the property is contrary to common-sense and to the natural meaning of the words. The act of appropriation does not cease. It is a continuous act and it is a matter for the jury to decide whether or not the appropriation has finished. The Law of Robbery The offence of robbery is contained in s.8 of the Theft Act 1968. In criminal law, robbery is a form of aggravated theft, in that it involves the offence of theft plus force or threat of force on a person. The maximum sentence for robbery is life imprisonment. Under s.8 of the Theft Act 1968 a person is guilty of robbery if he steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force. The principle of all the cases above will be : Actus reus and men rea must be coincide in the point of time for the accused to be guilty

Friday, September 20, 2019

Swot And Marketing Analysis Of Philip Morris International Marketing Essay

Swot And Marketing Analysis Of Philip Morris International Marketing Essay SWOT analysis helps one to fine out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization or a company. Strength and weakness are internal to organization whereas opportunities and threats are external. Strength and weakness both related to internal environment of organizations but opportunities and threats are the outsiders and can be evaluated using PESTLE analysis. The followings are the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Philip Morris International. Strengths: Strong finance: The Company has a base of strong financial situation. According to its corporate website, its operating income in 2008 was $10,284 million, and its net earnings were 6,890. There was an increase as the same for the year 2007 was $8,894 and 6,038 respectively. Well established Brands: The Company produces famous brands like Marlboro, LM, Chesterfield, Philip Morris, Parliament and Virginia Slims. When the product establishes itself as a brand there is a less need of spending money on its promotion. Strong manpower and employees: The Company boasts of more than 75,000 employees throughout the globe from different culture and ethnicity. With the variety in their workforce there is a variety of ideas and concepts, which can be beneficial for the survival in the global environment. Strong Management team: the company under the chairmanship of Mr. Louis C. Camillieri has a strong and efficient management team. David Bernick , a senior Vice president and General counsel is university of Chicago, law graduate, Andrà © Calantzopoulos , chief operating officer ,Kevin Click, chief information officer and Doug Dean, research and development make the strong management team of the company. Leading Markets: The Company boasts of leading 11 markets out of the top 30 international markets. That is equivalent to occupying 33% of total top market shares. This is one of the strength of the company. These are the basic strengths of the company, a strong financial condition with plummeting profits, well established brand names of the product, skilled, well trained and diverse work force, a strong leading management team and the huge share in top international markets. Weaknesses: As far as a weakness of the company is concerned the litigations seem to be the only weakness. Government policy on the promotion and sale of tobacco related product stops the company from aggressive marketing and promotion of its products. It is the weakness of the company. Opportunity: Increasing tobacco market: Although anti tobacco activists are raising their voices against the production and distribution of tobacco, the tobacco market is still lucrative. It raises billions of pounds as revenue to the government as well as the producers. Advantage of globalization: Globalization offers the company an opportunity to take an advantage of cheap labour cost and cheap production cost offered by third world countries. Factories established in China, Nepal offers the company cheap production of its products hence huge profits. Mergers and collaborations: The Company tied its knot with Altria and it recently announced its partnership with fortune Tobacco Corporation. These kinds of mergers and collaboration offer the company an opportunity to expand its market share. Threats: Anti Tobacco activists: The Company has remained a most controversial company because anti tobacco activists have always criticized the tobacco company for being responsible to the death resulting from smoking. For example, activists in Philippines raised their voices against the merger of fortune Tobacco Corporation with Philip Morris. They have feared this merger can draw more smokers in Philippines. ( 25/03/2010) Government legislations: The governments rule of banning the sales of tobacco related products to people below certain age limits and other rules related to smoking ban on public places can reduce the sales of tobacco. For example research in UK shows that number of smokers has reduced after smoking ban in public places and after the age limit for the sale of tobacco has been set. Public Awareness: People are more aware about the consequences of tobacco consumption because of the advertisement of anti tobacco activists. This has resulted in the reduction of sales in many markets. Strength and weaknesses are considered as internal factors whereas opportunities and threats are considered as External factors. Basically strengths and weaknesses of an organization are related to people, resources, innovation and ideas, marketing, operation and finance, whereas opportunities and threat are associated to the factors that organizations find hard to control sometimes. They are political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental environment in which the organization exists. Now lets examine the external factors of Philip Morris International. Political environment: (, on 25th April 2010) The details above show that by the year 2009 there are 44 countries with active smoking ban. The data also shows that more than 1 billion people are protected by smoke free laws. These laws mean reduction of sales for the company. The company can either promote its products in these markets or have their sales restricted by severe laws. For example, they do not allow people below 18 to buy cigarettes in England and Wales. They have increased the age limit from 16 1st of October 2007. Politicians are always trying to seek public favour and by introducing laws like smoking ban and binge drinking ban or increasing tax for products like these they are trying to catch public sentiment. These kind of political activities are although favourable to general public, they are not at all favourable for a company like Philip Morris, whose revenues are based on the sales of its tobacco related products. Economical: There is not much difference to Philip Morris International due to the recession. Its profits did not plummet heavily even though the world was hit by economic downturn. Following table show its financial data. (in millions of dollars except per share data)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2009   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2008 %  Change   Net revenues   $62,080   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $63,640   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (2.5)% Cost of sales   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  9,022   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   9,328   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (3.3)  Ã‚   Excise taxes on products     Ã‚   37,045   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  37,935   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (2.3) Gross profit   Ã‚   16,013   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   16,377   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (2.2)   Operating income     Ã‚   10,040   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   10,248   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (  2.0) Net earnings     Ã‚  Ã‚     6,342   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6,890   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (8.0) Basic earnings per share   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3.25   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      3.32   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (2.1) Diluted earnings per share Source: Philip Morris Webpage Sociological: Being criticized as a main contributor of smoking related deaths in the World, Philip Morris International has to do a lot to cope up with the sociological issues. Therefore their social responsibility activities are directed to these five areas of society, extreme poverty and hunger, environmental sustainability and living conditions in rural communities, domestic violence, and disaster relief. The company has spent billions of pounds for charity purpose to restore its tarnished image. Legal: Philip Morris had to suffer heavy loss due to several legal proceeding that it had to go through as people blamed of killing people. It has a history of being sued by people, distributors or companies. For example, 16 wholesalers filed legal action in a federal court in Tennessee claiming that Philip Morriss wholesale leaders program 2003 constitutes price discrimination and attempts to monopolize. (Financial Times of London, 8th July 2003.) To cope up with these kinds of legal issues, the company has its own legal department that deals with all the legal issues associated with the company. Environmental: Environment is a hot topic in present day world. The problem of thinning of ozone layer or the global warming draws the attention of each and every organization. Most of the organizations have designed their social responsibility programme associating themselves with the environmental issues. Philip Morris international too has done the same. They have set up performance goals for their energy use, water use, and waste water discharge, waste to be sent to landfills and waste to be recycled. The following table show their goals. Source: Philip Morris website can be accessed at, on 26th March 2010. Competitive analysis using Porters 5 Forces model. Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School developed a framework for the industry analysis and business strategy development. According to him an attractive industry has all the forces he has developed works for the overall profitability of the industry. The five forces of Porter are, Competitive rivalry Threat of substitute products Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of customers Bargaining power of suppliers In case of Philip Morris, he too has competitive rivalry. He occupies 15.6 percent of the total market share. The rest is occupied by his competitors. It is for the same reason, Philip Morris is focussed on promoting new products. To beat its competitors, it has developed a strong social responsibility plan along with modification of its products. The launch of smoke free cigarettes can be considered as a product of competitive rivalry. Threat of substitute products: Philip Morris is quite free from the threat of substitute products. It has always maintained the standard of its products and priced them reasonably. This has lessened the chances of acceptance for the substitute products that are available in the market. Threat of new entrants: Philip Morris is famous for its cigarettes. No one in the world is unaware about Marlboro. It is a reputed brand name in the field of tobacco industry. But a reputed brand gives Philip Morris an advantage. It is almost free from the threat of new entrants. The reason for this is, cigarette smokers have a strong loyalty to their brands. So, although there is a constant arrival of new products, they do not affect the market share of Philip Morris as it has endorsed its product with heavy promotions and established all of its products as a Brand. Bargaining power of the customer: Bargaining power of the customer does not seem to affect the company. The reason behind it is, the perceived value of Philip Morris products is quite high because they are heavily promoted through media. They have a brand image and are free from the bargaining power of the customer. Moreover most of the customers of tobacco trade are loyal to the products they are used to, and are ready to pay whatever amount of money they are asked to pay. So Bargaining power of the customers doesnt seem to affect the company. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Bargaining power of supplier affects every company. Philip Morris too is affected by it as it follows strict rules concerned with Fair trade. Moreover it has launched special benefit package to its suppliers. It helps the children of its tobacco supplier with education facilities and other general benefits. It is doing this just to reduce the effects of bargaining power of its supplier. Conclusions: Whatever progress the company made is not just a coincidence. The company did not lose much of its profits even in the economic downturn. The reason behind this can be summarised as the proper knowledge of the strength and weaknesses of the company and summoning all pertaining questions related to its external environment. Its commitment to follow all legal requirements of the government, introducing chewable tobacco instead of smoking ones, commitment to environmental conservations and billions of pounds spent on charitable purposes are activities to keep the external environment favourable for the company. Task 2 Phillip Morris and global political change: Any multinational company that has operations throughout the world has to acclimatize themselves with the political scenario of the concerned country. Politics is stable only in few countries that too limited to the few developed countries. Moreover, as Philip Morris is concerned with producing tobacco related products, it is affected by any kind of political change that occurs in the country. By global political change we understand the political changes that occurred in the world. For example, the First World War, when ended in 1919 brought a lot of changes in the world. Similarly the end of Second World War too brought a lot of changes. One of the biggest changes was the start of cold war between the USA and the Soviet Union. The cold war divided the world into two halves, the capitalists and the socialists. Socialists denied the products of capitalist world to enter their countries, whereas the same thing applied to the capitalists world. Philip Morris thus could not expand his business to Russia and other socialist countries until the cold war was about to end. Philip Morris was able to penetrate the Russian market in 1977 when the socialist country was about to accept some change. Similarly, global terrorism has also affected the policy and decision making of the company as tobacco can be smuggled to developed countries where they have higher prices from the least developed or developing countries. It is said that terrorist have sometimes made tobacco as one of the source of funding to backup their activities. Philip Morris thus has set strict restrictions so as it products are not smuggled. Moreover its factories located in different part of the world restrict its products from being smuggled as they have their own identification number on them. Recession that recently occurred in the world can be the after-effects of the political upheavals in the world. Or economic activities and political change have interdependence. So recession in a way can be seen as an effect of wrong political decisions in terms of economic activities. Philip Morris dealt with it quite perfectly. According to statistics, ongoing earnings of Philip Morris rose by 11% as it coaxed solid grains in its food business and continued to find new market for its cigarette. (, on 27th March 2010) Question that present days political leaders are raising is the phenomenon of climate change. Global warming is a big problem and politicians throughout the world are trying to solve it out through joint efforts. All the countries are imposing their own kind of rules and regulations to reduce carbon emission and help in the reduction of global warming. Philip Morris can help in the reduction of carbon emission by investing in third world developing countries for example in the generation of electricity, or other sources of energy which can reduce deforestation and emission of carbon dioxide in the air.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Television : Candy For The Mind :: essays research papers

A man once said, "Televevision is candy for the mind." He was right. Making an analogy to candy is ideal ; either, if taken in excess can have a negative affect on the human. At one point or another you watched too much TV. And at one point or another you ate too much candy. Maybe it was on Halloween or doesn't matter. The point is that both are a treat if taken in moderation. The problem is , nowadays, too many kids are watching too much tv, and too many people are eating too much fattening items like candy. THere's more fat people waddling around and more kids believe the stereotypes that the media has provided for the ever stable database of memory in their heads. When a child is born in a society so motivated by technology and television, what other choice do they have but to watch television? The babysitters use it as a means to make their job easier (though I could not agree more in that case) parents so they can calm their kids down, and adolecsents because they want to watch something or are bored. Most of the time, people my age will watch TV because they are bored. When in doubt watch TV. The problem with the excessive viewing of TV is that it is decreasing the amount of thinking done by people ; children especially. This scares me seeing as children are easy targets ; vulnerable , impressionable, and naive, they are the ideal targets. Watching mindless shows like Power Rangers and Beavis and Butthead, children are becoming more and more unlikely to really think. Books and complicated plays make people think. Poems make people think. Television, on most occasions, does not. The reason for this being because our society is a lazy one, and a corrupt one at that.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Feelings That Kill Essay -- Racism Racist African Americans Essays

Feelings That Kill Racism is defined as the mistreatment of a group of people on the basis of color, race, religion, or national origin. The term racism can also be used to represent a hatred or prejudice toward another group. The novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, takes place during an extremely racist time in America. Nella Harper Lee wrote this novel to give her readers a harsh sense of the segregation that went on in the south during this time period. Between the years of 1925 and 1935 there were many problems facing the south. The depression brought job and poverty issues to many blacks, which increased the segregation. To Kill A Mockingbird has many parallels between the fictional segregation in the novel and the factual racism that actually took place in this time span. Between the years of 1882 and 1968 there were many different types of racial discrimination and mistreatment of blacks. One of the main types of this behavior was lynching. â€Å"Lynching is the practice whereby a mob, usually several dozen or several hundred persons, takes the law into its own hands in order to injure and kill a person accused of some wrongdoing. The alleged offense can range from a serious crime like theft or murder to a mere violation of local customs and sensibilities† (The Reader’s Companion to American History). Lynching can also occur just from the violation of a local law, as stated in the definition. An example of this occurred in Birmingham, Alabama in 1925. â€Å"A group of black women, including Indiana Little, who was a social worker, are beaten by election officials while attempting to register to vote† (Browne). These women were trying to register to vote, but were beaten by white officials only because it was against th... ...001. University of California, Los Angeles. 10 Mar. 2002.< kani Browne>. Lee, Nella Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. Philadelphia: Harper & Row, 1982. Ransdell, Hollace. "The First Scottsboro Trials." REPORT ON THE SCOTTSBORO, ALA. CASE . 1999. American Civil Liberties Union . 10 Mar. 2002.< tml>. "The Handbook of Texas Online." The Texas State Historical Association. 23 July 2001. University of Texas at Austin. 12 March 2002. <> Zangrando, Robert L.. "The Reader's Companion to American History." Houghton Mifflin Co.. 1991. UIUC. 10 Mar. 2002. <>.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Look Into: A Re-Vision of Teaching :: Free Essays Online

A Look Into: A Re-Vision of Teaching Reflection is an important part of the writing process. By looking closely at the method that I used in order to arrive at my finished piece, A Re-Vision of Teaching, I am able to think about the individual steps that I took and to evaluate the effectiveness of my process. My writing began in the first week of October when I received the essay #2 assignment, which posed many questions about art. In addition to describing a piece of artwork, the assignment called for students to use personal experience, and it also asked for students to go beyond opinions to make arguments about a work of art that is interesting to others. Taking these requirements into consideration, I decided that I wanted to write about something that was significant to my life and relevant to what I am studying≠ teaching. Then, I narrowed this topic down by choosing one experience that would serve as my individual piece of art, the lesson I taught on Adrienne Rich. I did not know what assert ion I wanted to make, so I decided to work with this writing assignment in a few different ways. First, I took action. To begin thinking about the assignment, I read through the sample essays on art. I subsequently brainstormed different ideas that I wanted to discuss in my piece. I created a list of some universal concepts that are involved in the creation of all pieces of art including: commission, creativity/ inspiration, tools, and critiques. I also thought about the way that art inspires more art. Not all of my initial ideas made it into the final paper, but this list-making technique was very helpful for me. In addition to making this master list, I also thought back to the actual lesson that I wanted to describe, the Adrienne Rich/ feminism lesson. I wrote down all observations that I remembered from the lesson itself, and critiques that IÏ€ve heard/ developed myself. My biggest critique was that I did not encourage student participation or discussion. As I continued to think about this paper and heard that two students had used Rich in their papers o n education, I realized what I wanted my assertion to be.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Legal Services Bill and Private Practice

The ability of the legal system to effectively manage and serve its consumers is one of the most important traits of justice.   Legal practitioners must be able to offer adequate and effective services for those who require those services, or else the concepts of a fair trial and of a balanced, impartial judicial system are ones that cannot be satisfied. The legal services bill, which was published in May of 2006, was aimed at improving private legal practice, and improving the level and quality of services provided by attorneys and other legal practitioners.   Yet, there are those who dispute the effectiveness of the legal services bill, and there have been many opinions given on the bill and on private practice in the entirety of the legal profession. These opinions have come from politicians, legal experts, and others who are concerned about the legal profession and its ability to serve its clients correctly and fairly.   This essay will attempt to delineate the legal services bill, the way in which it seeks to help the legal profession in the United Kingdom, and the dialogue that has emerged concerning the bill.   It will also put the legal services bill in perspective, and will look at private practice and the legal profession with a wider lens. The problems of the British legal system were widely acknowledged by the government.   Sir David Clementi, who was appointed in 2003 to produced a review of the legal services framework for Great Britain, published the results of his review in a 2004 report.   Clementi was not optimistic about the state of the framework as he saw it. â€Å"The current system is flawed,† he wrote in his introduction to the report.   â€Å"Whilst some lawyers will continue to argue that the current system ‘ain’t broke’, I believe there is strong evidence of the need for major reform: (I) to the regulatory framework which, as described in the Government’s own Scoping Study, is flawed; (II) to the complaints system which needs change to benefit the consumer; and (III) to the types of business structures permitted to provide legal services to the consumer, which have changed little over a significant period.† (Clementi, 2004)   Clementi believed that these reforms would help improve independent, private practice. In response to this report, the legal services bill was created, published in May of 2006 and highlighted in the Queen’s speech in November of 2006. The bill’s main goals, according to a BBC summary of the bill, is to â€Å"create independent regulators for the legal profession and greater competition in the legal services market.† (BBC, 2006)   The main provisions in the bill are to set out clear objectives about the regulatory framework and the legal principles of the profession, and to separate the representative and regulatory functions of designated legal bodies; to create a new Legal Services Board that will provide oversight of legal regulatory bodies; to give the Legal Services Board powers to oversee frontline regulators; to create an Office for Legal Complaints; and to enable new business structures for the legal profession, which will allow various types of lawyers and non-lawyers to work on equal footing. (BBC, 2006) Yet, in order to understand the reasons for the legal services bill, it is necessary to give a general background for the status of the legal profession in the United Kingdom, which gave rise to the need for this bill. In 1944, when legal aid and the legal profession in the United Kingdom were still unreformed and were poorly designed, a Departmental Committee appointed Lord Rushcliffe to examine the legal profession in the UK.   Rushcliffe advised that instead of the State employing thousands of attorneys to practice cases, it should instead give legal aid to attorneys in private practices.   His advice was implemented in 1949, and continued to be used for several decades without much reform. Since that time, it has been difficult to strike a balance between the amount of aid given out, the amount of legal professionals available for practice, and the availability of legal service to consumers.   Many had been calling for major reform since the late 1970s. (Thorp, 1999) The Law Commissions Act of 1965 was created in order to keep the law and the legal profession under review and to recommend reform where it is needed.   The Law Commission had been responsible for many reforms in regards to specific laws, but where independent legal practice is concerned, the jurisdiction of the Law Commission does not permit them to reform the overall system of private legal practice. Legal work in the UNK can be broken down into three distinct categories: non-contentious, which includes things such as contracts, wills, and other issues between clients that is able to be resolved without litigation; litigation, which includes the actual courtroom process and the formal and informal processes leading up to the courtroom proceedings; and advocacy work in the courts. As Stephen Davies writes, sometimes it is difficult for legal consumers to understand their particular legal problems, and therefore, it is difficult for those consumers to contact the proper attorney or legal personnel to resolve the case. â€Å"Moreover,† says Davis, â€Å"many will have little or no knowledge about the skills and experience of different advocates, or ability to judge their quality.   For many consumers, the demand is exceptional, and there is little opportunity for quality comparison through repeat purchases.   Thus, legal services are not homogenous – consumers differ in their problems and barristers differ in their skills, knowledge and experience.† (Davies, 2005) This is a problem, according to Davies, because those who wish to bring legal cases, but do not understand their particular legal problems, are not receiving justice.   The court system, according to Davies, should be open to all, and these restrictions do not allow for all to be satisfied by the current system. According to the OFT report of 2001, there were 101,000 registered solicitors in England and Wales, in the year 2000, and the ten largest solicitors’ firms had a market share of 46.8%. (Davies, 2005) These solicitors are responsible for playing the â€Å"middleman† between consumers and litigators, and their role is and important one in the legal process. Says Davies, â€Å"In the traditional model, the solicitor plays this middle-man role.   This is, of course, not particularly exceptional – few markets in general are characterized by perfect information on both sides, and a common response to this market imperfection is the existence of the middle-man.   Of course, we should not expect the asymmetry to be pronounced for those consumers who make repeat purchases, and for whom it is worthwhile to accumulate costly information (e.g. many corporate customers).† (Davies, 2005) With figures updated to 2004, the amount of solicitors has grown to 121,000, which represents a 20% growth in the size of the profession, but the number of firms has declined by 500.   Size distribution among these firms is very skewed with most either having between 2 to 4 partners, or more than 81 partners. The Bar, in England and Wales, is a much smaller profession.   According to the same OFT report, about 10,000 barristers are employed in independent practice in England and Wales, and 2,500 are employed by the State. While Davies admits that there are problems with the current structure and market saturation of both solicitors and barristers, he derides those who believe that any system of legal service could be made perfect. â€Å"In some of the public debate, I have seen comparisons between the market so described and the economists’ ideal notion of perfect competition.   In my opinion, this I not an appropriate comparator,† Davies continues.   â€Å"Perfect competition is characterized by (I) perfect information, (II) an homogeneous product, (III) the absence of regulation.   None of these assumptions is appropriate for legal services. Asymmetric information is an innate feature of the market, and it is difficult to imagine how any policy intervention could entirely remove this market imperfection.   Amongst barristers (and perhaps between solicitors too), there are important differences in their services (specialisms).   The profession’s obligations to â€Å"The Law† and universal access dictates that some sort of regulation is unavoidable.† (Davies, 2005) Davies was directly responding to the original draft of Clementi’s report. â€Å"In proposing reforms designed to encourage cost-effective practices,† writes Clementi, â€Å"there is no suggestion of diminution in standards, either in the quality of legal advice provided or in the ethical standards of practitioners.† (Clementi, 2004) Clementi’s recommendations, and the subsequent publishing of the legal services bill, was met with split reactions, and continues to be a lightning rod for mixed opinions.   Some believe that the benefits of the bill are â€Å"more flexible working environments attracting a more diverse group of high quality individuals into the profession; an increased supply of services focused on what customers want to buy rather than what lawyers want to sell; and increased competition leading to cheaper and better services.† (Blanes, 2005) Yet, â€Å"this is the optimist’s view,† writes Jordi Blanes i Vidal, in a 2005 response to Clementi’s recommendations co-written with Ian Jewitt and Clare Leaver. â€Å"There is also a pessimistic view: a breakdown in the functioning of the legal services industry as professional standards of behaviour become eroded through the unleashing and subsequent enforcement of short-term opportunistic profit motives.† (Blanes, 2005) The structure of the legal services bill is such that it is designed to work within the regulation, complaints system and the restrictive nature of current business systems. Regulation will be overseen by the Legal Services Board.   They will the charge of promoting seven regulatory objectives, including the rule of law and improved access to justice. As Sarah Clover and Lydia Hassall observe, â€Å"More controversially, they include the protection and promotion of the consumer interest, despite the Joint Committee’s recommendation that the Bill should also protect and promote the public interest, which may not always coincide with consumer interest.† (Clover and Hassall, 2007) One another objective of the bill, which was not featured in the original draft but was added in response to widely-expressed concern from those who believed that the bill threatened the independence of the legal profession, is to encourage an independent, strong and effective legal profession.   However, the addition of this objective in the bill has not completely stopped the criticism from those who see a conflict of interest, which centers on the idea that the Secretary of State appoints all Chairpersons and the members of the board. â€Å"It remains unclear how the [Legal Services Bill] will operate in practice.   Indeed, there is no statement in the Bill as to what the LSB will actually do.   Whilst the Government has said in the response to the Joint Committee’s Report that the LSB will operate in partnership with the Front Line Regulators and would only use its powers if the Front Line Regulators were clearly failing, many, including the Law Society, would like to see a positive commitment in the Bill to such ’light-touch’ regulation.† (Clover and Hassall, 2007) The government has agreed to take another look at the regulation part of the bill because of such widespread discontent. The Complaints section of the bill created a single independent service for handling complaints – the Office of Legal Complaints – for all branches of the legal profession, in order to provide customers will greater confidence in their legal service, and to provide a quick and fair fix when things go wrong.   The OLC will be funded by the legal profession as a whole, and consumers will get the service for free, assuming that they do not pass  £20,000 in compensation. â€Å"It will be interesting to see how the increased level of redress to  £20,000 (compared with the Law Society’s current maximum of  £15,000) affects the consumer’s choice in pursuing a remedy against his solicitor. Whilst in the past most complaints to the Law Society have resulted in only a small payment of a few hundred pounds, the available figures relate to a time when the maximum award was only  £5,000 and when the Law Society did not deal with allegations of negligence as such. It is clear that, in the absence of legal aid, the OLC should provide consumers who have suffered losses of up to  £20,000 with an affordable and quick remedy, although it is unlikely to have much impact on claims of higher value, or those involving complex legal matters.† (Clover and Hassall, 2007) The third objective of the bill is to affect the structure of firms and legal partnerships.   The bill will provide for Alternative Business Structures, or ABS, which will provide lawyers and non-lawyers a chance to work together to provide legal services, and for non-lawyers to inject capital into legal services firms. It is expected to take several months until these reforms are fully implemented into the current system, and will take years for those reforms to have an impact on the system. In May of 2006, a report was published by an all-party Committee that has raised concerns about the legal services bill. Lord Hunt of Wirral, who served as Chairperson of the Joint Committee on the legal services bill, said, â€Å"we have some very real concerns about the proposals put forward in this bill.   The draft legal services bill departs from the recommendations of Sir David Clementi in a number of important respects and it is essential the Government should explain each of those departures fully.   Most of our substantive recommendations would come under a single heading, namely that of going back to the future – the future envisaged by Clementi.† (Parliament, 2006) Hunt raised concerns about the legal profession remaining independent from the government.   He said that it is not only important that the legal profession be independent, but that it must be perceived as an independent body, and Hunt expressed concern that too much regulation would undermine general support and confidence. Seemingly, the main concern for all those who are involved in this reform process, including those are for and those who oppose the legal services bill or portions of the legal services bill, is the wishes of the consumer. In a 2005 white paper, â€Å"The Future of Legal Services: Putting the Consumer First,† the government expressed its views on the topic. â€Å"Consumers need, and deserve, legal services that are efficient, effective, and economic.   They want to have choice, and they want to have confidence in a transparent and accountable industry.   Legal services are crucial to people’s ability to access justice.   They must therefore be regulated and made available in such a way as to meet the needs of the public – individuals, families, and businesses. The professional competence of lawyers is not in doubt.   The calibre of many of our legal professionals is among the best in the world.   But despite this, too many consumers are finding that they are not receiving a good or a fair deal.† (White Paper, 2005) The government concluded in their white paper that the current system was a ’regulatory maze’ and that it is outdated, inflexible, over complex and not accountable or transparent enough. â€Å"Reform is overdue.   It is necessary to ensure that consumers are in the driving seat in the provision of legal services.   It is also important to ensure that confidence in providers is maintained and increased.† (White Paper, 2005) In response to this white paper, the City of London Law Society said that there was not much enthusiasm in the city for the alternative business structures that were planned, although the CLLS was interested in the prospect of forming partnerships with barristers and solicitors, and promoting non-lawyers to partner with litigators. â€Å"Despite the concerns,† write Clover and Hassall, â€Å"most welcome the idea of reform and a better (but not necessarily more) regulated profession.   This should have a positive impact on the professional performance of the legal profession as a whole thereby reducing the number of negligence claims.† (Clover and Hassall, 2007)   This positive impact is dependant upon the degree and amount of regulation for many in the profession. Major reform is taking place with the implementation of the legal services bill, despite the fact that not all are satisfied with the type or quality of the reform.   Concerns about an outdated system being replaced with a restrictive system are still important to listen to, but the despite its flaws, the legal services bill is aimed to repair many of the flaws in the current system.   Reexamination of the bill is necessary to please all parties involved, but the bill seems to be a step in the right direction for the future of the legal profession in the United Kingdom. With so much riding on the ability to obtain competent, fair and efficient legal service, it is crucial that reforms be taken seriously and should not be used to undermine public confidence and opinion about the legal profession.   With so many solicitors and barristers causing concern over the â€Å"middle-man† function in the legal profession, regulation and complaints are mandatory aspects.   The legal profession in private practice is able to provide the general public with adequate and effective service, and the legal services bill has an opportunity to improve the quality of service being provided. Works Cited Blanes i Vidal, J., I. Jewitt and C. Leaver. (2005). Legal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disciplinary Practices: A Discussion of the Clementi   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Proposals. Clementi, D. (2004). Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales. Legal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Services Reform. Clover, S. and L. Hassall. (2007). United Kingdom: The Legal Services Bill. Barlow Lyde & Gilbert, Retrieved from on April 18, 2007. Davies, S. (2005). The economic implications of partnership   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   restrictions in the legal services sector and their possible   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   removal. Government White Paper. (2005). The Future of Legal Services:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Putting Consumers First. Compiled by Lord Falconer. â€Å"Joint Committee Raise Concern Over Proposals in the Legal    Services Bill.† (2006). Retrieved from UK â€Å"Legal Services Bill.† (2006). BBC News, on April 18, 2007. Thorp, A. (1999). The Access to Justice Bill: Legal aid.   Ã‚  Ã‚   House   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of Commons Research Paper, 99(33).            

It Was the Most Wonderful Day of My Life Essay

It was the most wonderful day of my life! Maybe it did not mean a great deal for others as it came naturally to them, but for me, it was a bliss. Yes, bliss; I had completely lost hope until Dr Hurree came in my life as a ray of light, enlightening my life and removing all the darkness which caused me to weep my heart out everyday. I am able to conceive! This very little fact made me dance a jig of joy even on the hospital stretcher. All thanks to Dr Hurree, I was able to become mother after ten long years of marriage. This very fact filled my ears with sweet cries of babies. I went mad of joy. And my husband, he was the second most happy. After several tests conducted by the doctor, we had discovered that I could not become expectant. As my husband was the only son of his parent, my mother-in-law used to taunt me as I could not bring an heir in their family, I had to beat these vulgar and hurting taunts until today. Today nobody could tell me anything. Some months later, I was nurturing a child in me. Being so happy, I forgot about the contract I signed before working; I did not have the right to take more than one months of holidays except emergencies. I badly needed holidays, but for that I had to pay the price of losing my job, my career, and my hard-works. As always , my husband supported me to decide what pleased me. But on the other hand, my in-laws beckoned me to resign. So what if I lose my job, at least I could bring to world my symbol of love of my husband and I. I would sacrifice my career , and my years of education to take good care of my child. Hence, I resigned. During the last three months of pregnancy, I stayed at home, obeying my mother-in-law. She now talked to me with undoubted love and softness ans I was treated like a daughter of this house. My husband, an angel sometimes stayed at home and cook my favorite dishes. I was really pampered. He treated me as a princess. All my desires and wishes were fulfilled and I was in a state of happiness every single second. One morning as I descended the flight of stairs after waving goodbye to my husband who was going to work, a thought crossed my mind. I thought of his laughter when he said that I look like a huge pumpkin. I remembered my first responses from my child. However, I did not realize that the maid mopped the floor and it was slippery. Day-dreaming, I missed one step and this was the end. I blacked-out. I opened my eyes in the hospital, and I knew what had happened. I could no longer feel the nudging sensations of my baby and I screamed hysterically. Now, my system had calmed down and I wept silently. It was all my fault. My husband was on his way. He was aware of the miscarriage. What was he going through? As I lay down on the hospital stretcher, I watched the television to divert my attention. I watched the news. There was an accident not far from here. The victim died on spot. As the camera focused on the victim’s face, I froze; it was my husband! I had lost my career, my baby and now my love! I felt lonely and defeated; I was just a burden to this world!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Internet and television Essay

Internet and television are changing the face of political discourse. In his book, Amusing Ourselves To Death Neil Postman gives candid details of how television has shaped political conversation in the last 20 years but this has been overcome by the advent of internet technology. Television has changed much since 1987 in addition to advancements such as HDTV, DVR. News can be watched 24 hours across many networks. For example cable subscribers are able to watch over 1000 channels with the click of a button. Advertising has grown tremendously as ads jam programs in the form of product endorsements and normal commercials. The internet is not excluded from this change because it offers the users a simple way of accessing news and communication with many people all over the world. Each of these mediums represents a new era in which people try to become politically enlightened while at the same time minimizing the quantity of information they are able to consume (Postman, 13) Political discourse and the media have been changing over the years. Hume observes that, â€Å"the television commercial is a primary instrument of political discourse† (Hume, 27). This is true in the current media although some other instruments like The Daily Show are gaining political importance. Political programs should be placed on the same platform as political commercials instead of using them as the main source of political discourse. Although the commercials have a good impact this is reduced by the video recorders that give user the ability to navigate commercials to view programs that they like most. Internet has become a threat to the television since it is easy to get information easier using the internet. â€Å"Young people don’t buy newspapers or watch the evening news-even or perhaps especially, with cute Katie Couric reading it to them. Blogs are more fun to read and sometimes more reliable† (Leonard, 10). Bloggers have the ability to put emphasis on political candidates, policies and actions that have taken place. As such blogging offers the citizens a chance to comment on stories in a manner that permits freedom of expression. The media has continued to change political discourse significantly though television, internet and advertising. Currently advertisements, blogs and the 24 hour news and internet have a big impact on political discourse. According to a survey done by Pew Internet it was observed that â€Å"15% of all American adults say the internet was the primary source for campaign news during the election, up from 7% in the mid-term election of 2002? (Leonard, 2). Therefore, the Internet is a strong force in the changing shape of political discourse. The information that people find and share over the internet shapes their opinions and can assist them in becoming better citizens. Political information can be shared in a way that ties the emotions of the participants but the internet helps the people to form their own opinions. Hume posits, â€Å"new technology may facilitate a new type of citizenship commitment that combines exchange of information and evaluation, in which emotion and experience are not discounted but an accepted part of the processes of opinion formation† (2006, p. 305). In summary, political dialogue in the media has been transformed significantly by the new media. The availability of internet has helped people write blogs, surf for information that could not be easily found through conventional means. Television commercial as well as comedy programs are still abundant in the political discourse. Ellen Hume give a good summary of political discourse and its relationship with the media by saying, â€Å"The old media deliver the old politics† (1998, p. 207). From this observation one can conclude that the new media will give rise to new politics and continue to change everything as we know it now. Works cited Hume How novel technologies are changing the news. In C. Harper (Ed. ), What’s Next in mass communication. Original York: St. Martin’s Press. 1998 Leonard, M. ‘Fake’ news is as good as the real thing . Herald Times, p. B2. , E. 2007. Postman, N. Amusing ourselves to death. New York: Penguin books. 1985

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ma Earth Essay

Ans1. Heather before being a marketing manager she loved the company and its products. And not only because of its products but also because of their values, that they promised to use all natural ingredients and also ensured that they wouldn’t harm the planet. But in reality the story was different. When she was given the responsibility of campaigning one of its product Ore Essentials, she came to know that the story behind growing the product is quite different. Ma Earth Skin Care was using a different strategy to maintain its image in the market. The company was paying the tribes neither for growing the product there nor for purchasing. They were actually buying its product at a cheap rate from a mainstream supplier. But the company wants to convey its message to the customers that the product is very precious and rare, and they get it only from the tribal area. So this was the ethical issue Heather was facing. She wasn’t ready to accept the way the company was marketing its product. If Heather shows its customers how the company is getting its resources for the Ore Essentials i.e. if she tells them that though the company says that it gets its resources from the tribes but in reality it doesn’t, this would cross a line into unethical territory. Whereas if Heather supports the company i.e. if she shows that the company gets its resources from the tribes rather than showing the actual truth, it can be considered ethical. Ans2. From the customer point of view, the company was fulfilling its corporate social responsibility by paying the tribes for their wellbeing in return for their effort to grow the plants and maintaining them. The company provided the tribal people a school, a health clinic as well as food and clothing. This way the company is effective in practicing its social responsibility. But even though the company is supporting the tribal people, they are cheating its customers by showing false claims. This way the company is not fulfilling its social responsibility.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How Stereotypes Affect Us Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Stereotypes Affect Us - Assignment Example The safety and equality of the blacks are still not unconditional. Steele writes, â€Å"They come from the way a society, at a given time, is organized around an identity like me. That organization reflects the place, as well as the ongoing individual and group competition for an opportunity and the good life.†(3) An undeclared engagement is going on at every stage, in every segment of life of blacks and whites. Its emphasis and intensity may vary, nevertheless it is there, and it has not been erased from the social norms of the people of America. This position gives room for some to enjoy at the cost of suffering of others. Those others are mainly blacks. Defined and undefined activities related to ethnic segregation move together at the cost of the blacks. Stereotype threat is real. Its impact is more in the educational institutions, the abode of combustible younger generation, both whites and blacks. They have the knowledge of American history, whose pages are daubed in the bloodshed of racism. Explaining through an example, the author elaborates the nature of fear psychosis born out of stereotype threat, by citing the experience of Brent Staples, a psychology graduate student walking down the streets of Chicago’s Hyde Park neighbourhood. â€Å"I became an expert in the language of fear. Couples locked arms or reached for each other’s hand when they saw me. Some crossed to the other side of the street. People who were carrying on conversations went mute and stared straight ahead, as though avoiding my eyes would save them.†(6) By educating an individual, you are educating a generation. Therefore, educational institutions, where students of different ethnic groups, blacks and whites meet for a common purpose, are t he right places to initiate the process of reconciliation. Steele also highlights the importance of role models and argues, â€Å"They dramatically reduced stereotype threats impairment of women’s math performance by reminding them just before the test, the positive women role models.†(94)  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

German class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

German class - Essay Example It is a good idea to have separate memorials for each the affected groups at the same place with same treatments to show respect to all human kinds. Having the underground place of information was a good idea because it would help to house million of books between the interior made of patterned black steel and glass interior side. This would make it easy have works that various scholars would consult if need being. As the title suggests the memorial is for the â€Å"murdered Jews of Europe’’. In real sense, this has technically excluded those who were tortured in the camps or those who died of various diseases after living in poor conditions. The best title that can be used to have all the persecuted groups represented equally would be â€Å"The Jewish Holocaust Museum Berlin’’. In Washington, DC the holocaust Museum was constructed to help leaders and citizens of the world to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity and to strengthen democracy. National monument for the victims of slavery and genocide would only represent a few sections of those who underwent various persecutions at that

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Carbon-Fibre Composite Materials Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carbon-Fibre Composite Materials - Coursework Example There are different types of automobile. A car is the most common type of automobile comprising largely in the usability in human population. Basically, the primary parts of a car includes: the exterior, lights, interior, chasis, brakes, suspension, and engine. Materials used for the various parts of a car needs to fulfill various criteria and comply with regulations and legislations that ensures the safety and environmental concerns of the machines. Traditionally, materials used for automobile parts production comprises of metallic materials, aluminum, steel, magnesium and other metallic alloys. However, with the rise of modern technology where various study discovered new researches, many of the metallic parts of car are now replaced with materials made up of composite materials (Ghassemieh). Composite materials such as carbon-fibre composites have been widely applied in automobile processing. Carbon fibres are those fiber materials derived from carbon. They are mixed and bound tog ether with other materials such as polymer resins processed under heat, pressure and vacuum to derive the special properties for the composites (Johnson, T. n.d). They are considered as new breed for high strength materials. It contains about 90% carbon fiber which is very durable and strong. They are very suitable when used in applications requiring stiffness, strength, lesser weight and superior fatigue characteristics (Hegde, et al. 2004). Carbon Fiber composite polymers or CFRP are devised in automobile manufacturing as they are lightweight.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Management 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management 2 - Essay Example Following Burns (2001) "entrepreneurs have become the staff of legends, "economic heroes" (Cannon 1991) increasing held in high esteem and held up as role models to be emulated" (6). The case of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs show that the main personal features of entrepreneurs are innovative ideas and creativity. For both men, new approaches to IT were innovative and resulted in economic value. Following Kamalanabhan et al (2006): "in comparison to the rest of the population, entrepreneurs tend to be more innovative in their attitude, but do not seem to have greater faith in the internal locus of control" (49). Thus, the innovations and changes have created new opportunities for Gates and Jobs, while creating challenges and threats to other companies. The established companies, Microsoft -IBM and Macintosh -Apple, have an entrepreneurial mindset based on knowledge and low cost solutions. For both companies, the real focus was on the innovation, being innovative, and the drive for indepe ndence. Their entrepreneurship was much more internally oriented in focus than marketing. All the aspects of the venture came together in order for a successful launch to occur. This aspect, as well as the other commonalities and differences, was often affected when external financing is involved. Microsoft relies on innovations when introduced new products with top priority to its standards-settings while "the history of I.B.M. is a history of failed attempts to impose standards by fiat" (Gates: Innovation, not greed, drives Internet 1998). Many entrepreneurs are afraid to obtain market input on their innovation due to their concern that the idea will be stolen and produced by someone else. Although this is indeed possible, since it rarely occurs it is much more important to assume any risks involved and interact with consumers obtaining valuable feedback throughout the new venture creation process. Similarly, smaller companies tend to have more direct interface with their customer s and potential customers than larger ones. This, in part, reflects the organizational structure and size. Small firms place more emphasis on their relationship with their customers, particularly when only a few customers account for 80 percent or more of their sales, which is frequently the case (Burns 45-46). Steve Jobs explains his life philosophy as: "too many obstacles come up in front of "ideas" that kill progress, perseverance/passion is the bridge that overcomes obstacles and brings ideas to life" (Perseverance = Entrepreneurship 2007). Great enthusiasm and energy of Gates and Jobs inspire their subordinates to introduce new changes and create innovative solutions. Their power is based on the subordinate's perception of the leader as some one who is competent and who has some special knowledge and expertise in a given area. The examples of Jobs and Gates show that entrepreneurship is usually based on customer orientation - the customer should be the focal point. Entrepreneurship has a "deal" mentality, the deal being a central factor in conceiving and developing a new venture for the entrepreneur and closing a sale for the marketing manager. Entrepreneurship involves the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Basketball as Religion in He Got Game Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Basketball as Religion in He Got Game - Essay Example After six years since then, Jesus has worked hard to become a brilliant prospective basketball player just at the age of eighteen. Several colleges are interested in him with lucrative offers of scholarship, and making a career with the NBA also remains an option. However, the Governor wants to sign Jesus with his alma mater, the Big State. With his power and influence, he releases Jake on parole for a week. If Jake is able to convince his son Jesus to play for Big State his sentence would be drastically reduced setting him free. Otherwise, he would be sent back to jail. Now an emotional tug of war begins. Jake seeks to convince his estranged son. Martha (Lonette McKee), who is Jesus’ younger sister, wants a better life and suggests his brother to look for more profitable opportunities. Jesus’ girlfriend, Lala (Rosario Dawson) plays a double dealing role in the complex environment with a ‘not so innocent’ approach. The characters like Jesus’ uncle, a unt, coach, etc. appear as both selfish and empathetic in the course of the drama. As Jake returns to his family, Jesus has to confront him and go through emotional ups and downs. On the other hand, he faces the contradictions, glamour, challenges, and dark realities of the multi-billion dollar basketball sports industry of America. At times, he is at the dilemma of horns, but the young athlete is a good-natured son who ultimately seeks reunion and peace with his lonely and troubled father. Basketball craze is a huge factor in the sports culture of American life. It has emerged as a multi-billion dollar business in the American sports industry. Almost all the resourceful and reputed colleges of the country are rivaling each other in order to leave a mark in the various basketball leagues. This helps them to levy high amounts of profits. On the other hand, there is the celebrated NBA, where several

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Quiz exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quiz exam - Essay Example ensure that the exercise is conducted smoothly and that chaos from initial misunderstanding among participants is controlled promptly before it causes unexpected consequences (Nagar 52). In the design of a disaster training exercise, there are several ways of introducing chaos. Since those involved in exercise are human, anything that offends them at the start of the exercise may have profound effects on the whole exercise. One way of introducing chaos is creating a wedge between those guiding the exercise and the participants. This may be achieved by restricted communication and adverse personal interactions that may result in communication breakdown. Chaos may be introduced by unfavorable environment for the training exercise such as strenuous exercises for a long period of time and failure to provide enough training facilities. A chaotic environment may further be created when the participants are denied autonomy in making decision concerning the schedule of disaster management training exercises. In this case, the organizers of the exercise remain the custodians of the training schedules and so participants are compelled to act under the whims of the organizers and instructors (Masterpasqua and Phyllis 41). There are several ways in which elements of chaos may be measured. The two basic setting in which chaos is commonly measured are from perspective of specified equations and from a set of data in which a chaotic deterministic process is suspected to exist. The basic tools that literature has established as necessary in measuring chaos are Fourier analysis, Lyapunov characteristic exponents, and the phase space attractor reconstruct basing on data. Basing on the deterministic philosophic approach to chaos, it is easier to predict the factors that may cause chaos but it is difficult to determine the magnitude of chaos that a specific factor may cause. The best way to measure the chaotic behaviors of the participants is through observation. The qualitative